meaning of catalogue columns
- M1/2: intrinsic mass of primary/secondary BH, solar masses;
- z: cosmological redshift;
- s1/2: spin of primary/secondary BH;
- D: luminosity distance, in Gpc;
- β Ecliptic latitude in rad;
- λ Ecliptical longitude in rad;
- SNR: signal to noise ratio;
- d...: uncertainties of corresponding parameters;
- dΩ: uncertainty on solid angle in deg2;
meaning of catalogue columns
- f: frequency of the GW in Hz;
- fdot: frequency derivative;
- Amp: GW amplitude;
- D: luminosity distance, in kpc;
- β Ecliptic latitude in rad;
- λ Ecliptical longitude in rad;
- M1/2: masses of white dwarfs, in solar masses;
- d...: uncertainties of corresponding parameters;
- dΩ: uncertainty on solid angle in deg2;
meaning of catalogue columns
- μ: redshfited mass of the stellar mass BH in solar masses;
- M: redshifted mass of the massive BH in solar masses;
- s: spin of the massive BH;
- e: the initial eccentricity;
- ι the initial inclination;
- γ: the pericenter angle in AK Waveform;
- ψ: the initial phase;
- θ_s: (rad) the sky position polar angle of source in an ecliptic-based co-ordinate system, equals to π/2 minus the ecliptic latitude;
- φ_s: the sky position azimuth angle of source in an ecliptic-basedcoordinate system, equals to the ecliptic longitude;
- θ_s: (rad) the polar angle of the massive BH spin;
- φ_s: (rad) the azimuth angle of the massive BH spin;
- α (rad) the azimuthal direction of the orbital angular momentum;
- D: luminosity distance in Gpc;
- d...: uncertainties of corresponding parameters;
- dΩ: uncertainty on solid angle in deg2;
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